Fotos From Alfred Arteaga's Website - Cantos del Corazon Heart Benefit & More

Just part of the crowd who turned out to support Alfred Arteaga and hear poets, Lorna Dee Cervantes, Naomi Quiñonez, Cherríe Moraga, Francisco Alarcon, Jean Vengua, Sharon Doubiago & Margo Ponce along with my musician brother, Steve Cervantes at The Cell Space in San Francisco on October 5th. The crowd formed a half circle of seating, so this is about half the audience who helped raise funds to pay for Alfred's experimental stem cell treatment which is repairing his heart in lieu of a transplant.

Me, Lorna Dee, & Naomi with her husband, the novelist, John talking after the benefit for Alfred Arteaga.

Three generations of great Xicano poets: raulsalinas, Alfred Arteaga & Guillermo (?) on 10/14/06. Raulsalinas was reading and being honored by the American Studies Association Conference in Oakland. Raul was one of the first Xicano poets I found in the library -- along with Luis Omar Salinas. At 17, I read both at the same time, Raul's "Un Trip Through the Mindjail" and Omar's "Crazy Gypsy", one in each fist.

Alfred & me before speaking and reading for his creative writing & Major Chicano Authors students at UC Berkeley.
All fotos from Alfred Arteaga's website: - click to see more.
You can donate to Alfred's experimental stem cell heart treatment here.
* You can still order signed copies of my brand new manuscript of new and selected love poems to benefit Alfred's new heart. If you're in the mood for 158 pages of love -- and unrequited love poems, uh, the bulk of them -- then this book's for you. Or, for your sweet heart this holiday season. Just backtrack me or write to me at PoetDee at mac (dot) com with your address or to get mine. Or, you can use my secure Amazon pay system at the bottom of the page - just send me an email with the amount, purpose and date sent. There's only a few copies left. Due to mailing and copying expenses, I'll be accepting all bids of $30 and up. For a mere $50 or more, you can also get a signed copy of my new book, 5 books in one, DRIVE: The First Quartet, a beautiful 320-page hard-bound first edition. The new manuscript includes mostly unpublished poems -- so get it on and get in on it. And help one of the best Xicano poets, critics, and teachers to keep keeping on.
[UPDATE: Click here to read a new poem and unpublished poem from the manuscript which I read at the benefit: "I Always Wanted to Be Neruda".]
Watch this space for more info about another upcoming benefit at La Peña in Berkeley for Alfred featuring a music and dance concert with Dr. Loco's Rocking Jalapeño Band and two other groups in December or late November.
So, dale gas. Donate now.
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