Lorna Dee Cervantes @ Indigenous Peoples Night of Resistance, UC Berkeley, 10/14, 6pm - 12 midnight - Pauley Ballroom

Join me on saturday night, Oct. 14, at UC Berkeley, Pauley Ball Room at Bancroft & Telegraph at the Indigenous Peoples Night of Resistance where I'll be reading/ performing around 9:15. The night features Native Guns, Olmeca, War Club, El Vuh, The One Struggle Band, Chairman Fred Hampton, Jr., Brown Buffalo Project, international speakers and other surprise special guests.
Recognize. We're still here.
I'll also be at 398 Precita Avenue, my father's former home studio across from Precita Park, on saturday and sunday from 11-6pm as part of San Francisco's Open Studio event. Come check out my father's artwork along with the work of his wife, community arts activist and artist, Susan Kelk Cervantes, and come say hello. I may even read you a poem. You can read more about Susan's struggles to keep her home studio, zoned out of possibility, here. See you in the Bay Area! Maybe at the Chicano Expressions event at the DeYoung Museum tomorrow night beginning at 5 pm, featuring Spoken Word artist, Tomas Riley of Taco Shop Poets fame -- one of my favorite poets -- along with Grito Serpentino featuring Marc Pinate. And, more! See you there.

San Francisco Chronicle - May 2, 2005
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