Monday Planning - Monthly Focus: Mission - "What is at the center of personal vision and purpose?"
~ from October's Franklin Planner
"Our work-a-day lives are filled with opportunities to bless others. The power of a single glance or even an encouraging SMiLE must never be underestimated." ~ G. Richard Rieger, quote of the day 1/2/04
"I saw that each and every little piece of creation has the power to create."
~ from "Through the Light: The Near Death Experience of Mellon-Thomas Benedict"
"The earth is a great processor of energy, and individual consciousness evolves out of that into each one of us." ~ Mellon-Thomas Benedict
"Held to the Light: Creating the Life You Wish To See, A Portrait of Visionary Artist Susan Kelk Cervantes"
(~ essay title)
"We are ever dying to one world and being born into another." ~ Henry David Thoreau
(epigraph to new Katrina poem: "They Hang On")
Memphis Minnie's Blues For New Orleans
"I told you so! I told you so!
I got the Told You So Blues.
I got the Told You So Blues."
(lyric for broken levee scene?)
1927 - New Orleans - African American victims of the hurricane were used as human sand bags to repair the levee
invited former student ML Smoker (Hanging Loose Press) to present her poetry and creative writing workshops in Boulder district "F" schools for my new writers in the schools project
"Get Your Tortillas Together de nuevo; Or, What Do Tortillas Mean To José Antonio Burciaga?"
(essay title for new prose book, newly titled: Getting Off Rasquache Wabe Sabi) (punctuation to be decided later) (a book?) (yes, a book)
post title of new essay hoping the person (or persons) googling up "What do tortillas mean to José Antonio Burciaga?" comes back and sends me an email to PoetDee at mac dot com as I would very much like to discuss how Burciaga gets his tortillas together with someone
felt lonely not having anyone to discuss Burciaga's poetry and the sacred art of tortilla charring so made a note to call Denver poet Anthony Vigil (Obsidian Ranflas - U of Michigan Press) about joining me in a benefit memorial reading in honor of Ofelia Miramontes for Dia de los Muertos on Abelardo "Lalo" Delgado Day
made note to revive "Stupid America Awards" for high school students and post past winning poems on website
paid comcast $194.91
wrote letters & poems to Eileen Tabios & Jennifer Bredl, scanned them and THEY DID NOT COME OUT! All that remains is memory, the act and the artifact. Mailed them before I realized I didn't save the scan. Like living.
wrote poem for Melinda Wilson's birthday, posted it
thought of the day on my son's birthday: "Who are the learned? [Those] who practice what they know. ~ Muhammad
yesterday's thought of the day: "The only gift is giving to the poor; All else is exchange." ~ Thiruvalluvar
(And if you are the poor? All else if gift.)
hay(na)ku inspired by Jennifer's poem & letter:
We are.
let me water.
Note: Blog entry: Write a letter to a stranger you admire if you're feeling blue and think they are, and send it snail mail. Include something cherished. - this is what my letter to Jennifer is
*UPDATE: If you're reading this, email someone for their address now. Write & send a letter. (post art!) Let me know if you do.
some bits of life just don't scan
"Don't let time pass without accomplishing something. Otherwise you will regret it when your hair turns gray." ~ Yue Fei
* no non-carcinogenic Clairol Natural Instincts neutral black in Boulder
booked flight for washington dc - got good last minute deal 12-15 - *post call for dc poets who'd like to meet?*
Rabbit chews.
then blue dream!
Much to
Weave on womb.
spoke to Bryce, said "Hey! Ya wanna foto hay(na)ku book?" "Sure" he said. cool. k-12 friendly hay(na)ku, The Poetic of Now and separate Hurricane Katrina hay(na)ku foto book from Wings Press
note* planned new LDC site & blog for students with hay(na)ku exercises
Able. Actually
Anti-antagonistic — artistically angled.
Before beefing.
Barely barrelled. Broad.
Celebrating certain
Contained caatstrophes. Chased!

Purple Flowers 1
Now, crocus.
Snowfall. Cat's paw.
For You
Flowers bloom.
Where am I?
(last poem in book?)

Shadows 10
More empty,
hand or art?
*zen photography supplied by David, "Stranded" in Elephant Eye
"There is nothing wrong with taking time to just sit and think." ~ Stephanie Goddard Davidson
"Get Your Tortillas Together." ~ Cecilio García Camarillo, Carmen Tafolla, Reyes Cardenas
"Our work-a-day lives are filled with opportunities to bless others. The power of a single glance or even an encouraging SMiLE must never be underestimated." ~ G. Richard Rieger, quote of the day 1/2/04
"I saw that each and every little piece of creation has the power to create."
~ from "Through the Light: The Near Death Experience of Mellon-Thomas Benedict"
"The earth is a great processor of energy, and individual consciousness evolves out of that into each one of us." ~ Mellon-Thomas Benedict
"Held to the Light: Creating the Life You Wish To See, A Portrait of Visionary Artist Susan Kelk Cervantes"
(~ essay title)
"We are ever dying to one world and being born into another." ~ Henry David Thoreau
(epigraph to new Katrina poem: "They Hang On")
Memphis Minnie's Blues For New Orleans
"I told you so! I told you so!
I got the Told You So Blues.
I got the Told You So Blues."
(lyric for broken levee scene?)
1927 - New Orleans - African American victims of the hurricane were used as human sand bags to repair the levee
invited former student ML Smoker (Hanging Loose Press) to present her poetry and creative writing workshops in Boulder district "F" schools for my new writers in the schools project
"Get Your Tortillas Together de nuevo; Or, What Do Tortillas Mean To José Antonio Burciaga?"
(essay title for new prose book, newly titled: Getting Off Rasquache Wabe Sabi) (punctuation to be decided later) (a book?) (yes, a book)
post title of new essay hoping the person (or persons) googling up "What do tortillas mean to José Antonio Burciaga?" comes back and sends me an email to PoetDee at mac dot com as I would very much like to discuss how Burciaga gets his tortillas together with someone
felt lonely not having anyone to discuss Burciaga's poetry and the sacred art of tortilla charring so made a note to call Denver poet Anthony Vigil (Obsidian Ranflas - U of Michigan Press) about joining me in a benefit memorial reading in honor of Ofelia Miramontes for Dia de los Muertos on Abelardo "Lalo" Delgado Day
made note to revive "Stupid America Awards" for high school students and post past winning poems on website
paid comcast $194.91
wrote letters & poems to Eileen Tabios & Jennifer Bredl, scanned them and THEY DID NOT COME OUT! All that remains is memory, the act and the artifact. Mailed them before I realized I didn't save the scan. Like living.
wrote poem for Melinda Wilson's birthday, posted it
thought of the day on my son's birthday: "Who are the learned? [Those] who practice what they know. ~ Muhammad
yesterday's thought of the day: "The only gift is giving to the poor; All else is exchange." ~ Thiruvalluvar
(And if you are the poor? All else if gift.)
hay(na)ku inspired by Jennifer's poem & letter:
We are.
let me water.
Note: Blog entry: Write a letter to a stranger you admire if you're feeling blue and think they are, and send it snail mail. Include something cherished. - this is what my letter to Jennifer is
*UPDATE: If you're reading this, email someone for their address now. Write & send a letter. (post art!) Let me know if you do.
some bits of life just don't scan
"Don't let time pass without accomplishing something. Otherwise you will regret it when your hair turns gray." ~ Yue Fei
* no non-carcinogenic Clairol Natural Instincts neutral black in Boulder
booked flight for washington dc - got good last minute deal 12-15 - *post call for dc poets who'd like to meet?*
Rabbit chews.
then blue dream!
Much to
Weave on womb.
spoke to Bryce, said "Hey! Ya wanna foto hay(na)ku book?" "Sure" he said. cool. k-12 friendly hay(na)ku, The Poetic of Now and separate Hurricane Katrina hay(na)ku foto book from Wings Press
note* planned new LDC site & blog for students with hay(na)ku exercises
Able. Actually
Anti-antagonistic — artistically angled.
Before beefing.
Barely barrelled. Broad.
Celebrating certain
Contained caatstrophes. Chased!

Purple Flowers 1
Now, crocus.
Snowfall. Cat's paw.
For You
Flowers bloom.
Where am I?
(last poem in book?)

Shadows 10
More empty,
hand or art?
*zen photography supplied by David, "Stranded" in Elephant Eye
"There is nothing wrong with taking time to just sit and think." ~ Stephanie Goddard Davidson
"Get Your Tortillas Together." ~ Cecilio García Camarillo, Carmen Tafolla, Reyes Cardenas
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