This Heartens Me . . .

Proof positive that romantic love is NOT an invention of the State.
As much as this disheartens me:

This first discovered on healer-poet, Peter Pereira's blog. Later I hear this photo was taken in 2004. What are they yearning towards, that far into the past? Some shadow of a homeland? Some landscape where it all makes sense?
In high school I debated on the side of the conservationist, sometimes in the voice of the Indian -- a voice that vowed back then to never drive. My first year in "junior college" I took a course called "Future Think" and that I did. I feel I have prepared all my life for these disasters of a planet out of balance which will make our petty politics and consequences seem like a flight of miller moths on a summer evening.
We have to love because we must. Where there's love, there's will. And as my loving grandma would say, "Where there's a will, there's a way." And, there's always a way.
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