Dublin Happenings: Festival of Resistance 3/9-11, Where In The World Is Lorna? Free Speech In the Spring - Free Radio
I'm always glad to get any news from Dublin. I so want to be there -- I'll be there is spirit for this event, a festival of resistance that culminates in an open poetry reading including Patrick Jones. One talk I'd really like to attend is saturday morning by Barbara Muldoon on "I wanna be adored: Alienation and the cult of celebrity" -- and it did not escape my notice that she's the only presenter without a bio. I have a reading on March 9 in Boulder, a benefit fundraiser with Tim Hernandez, organizer of the Floricanto in Boulder which will feature my favorite Chicano poet, JuanFelipe Herrera on April 20 -- but maybe I'll dedicate something to the resistance festival in Dublin. On April 20, I'll be reading with an influential elder American Indian poet, Maurice Kenny, an editor, publisher and scholar at SUNY-Potsdam, so I won't be able to participate in the Floricanto -- this year! (hint) On April 20, Dublin poets are calling for a "Love Poetry, Hate Racism" Day and are asking for linked events globally: open mikes, floricantos, readings and spoken word events of all kinds. As all our work is "loving poetry and hating racism" I would suggest these as co-events in conjunction with the day. Any others? And, if I don't see you in Boulder on March 9th at Albums Bistro, I'll be at the AWP - Association of Writers and Writing Programs in Atlanta next week, and speaking and reading on a panel with Alicia Ostriker and others organized by Wendy Barker on (what else?) the connections between poetry and politics; or, "Does Poetry Make Nothing Happen?" on saturday morning, 9:30, March 3. On April 21 I hope to try to work out a way to go back home to my alma mater, San Jose State in time to read as an honorary literary alum -- maybe you'd like me to visit your university, bookstore, class, group, venue in the Bay Area? Any ole time is a good time to visit my jewel by the Pacific sea -- where I first heard Irish and Scottish musicians play and talkstory, poets like Dougie MacLean and Dick Gaughan.
I have long been a lover of all things Irish, all things from any jeweled isle in the Celtic broach. Burns being the first to steal my heart before Dylan Thomas married my Muse so many decades ago while I danced with Hugh MacDiarmond at the wedding. I planned to take my "poets tour" and visit the sites of some of my favorite poets from there when I got out of high school. I went for my passport & visa and was informed that although they could issue me a visa, I would be detained on the plane and denied entry into the country (Ireland) on the grounds that I was "colored" (coloured?) as I was "Mexican-American". "Oh, but I'm half American Indian -- I'm not an immigrant." No matter. That was on the list, too. No matter my name is Lorna Doone, mind ye. Lost Land, indeed.
But I blame the British empire in its dance with imperialism, and the corporate oligarchy.
Cheers! And, cheers to Dublin! Double cheers to Ireland and the xtra fine poets of the Celtic tongues and commons.
Here's to the weave.

(from Dublin poet, Dave Lordan's MySpace site where I've been discovering a wealth of new over-the-pond poets) (not in Dublin? Scroll past for a special message)
Marxism 2007: A festival of Resistance
Tickets: €20 normal price, €10 for students and unemployed and €5 for school students
Ticketline: (01) 872 2682
A weekend political festival organised by the Socialist Workers Party
March 9,10,11 in the ATGWU Union Hall, 55-57 Middle Abbey St, Dublin 1
A weekend of socialist politics , art and culture in the heart of Dublin. Debates on everything from Global Warming to the Left movements in Latin America to the new US offensive in the Middle East.
A chance to find out about Karl Marx's ideas from economics to alienation and how they relate to today's world, introduced by some of the best speakers on the Left today. With over 40 meetings, workshops, film screenings and discussions.
Buy your ticket online here
Highlights include:
* Director John Boorman and others discuss Cinema and social change
* David McWilliams and Kieran Allen debate Class and the Celtic Tiger: How is Ireland changing?
* Frank Connolly and Maura Harrington discuss the corruption of the Irish elite in With a little help from my friends – Corruption and the Irish ruling class
* Duncan Stewart , Eamon Ryan TD , Richard Douthwaite and Owen McCormack ask An inconvenient question: Can Capitalism stop Global Warming?
* Richard Boyd Barrett , Haifa Zangana and a speaker from Palestine ask are we seeing a re-run of Vietnam with The US's gamble for power in Iraq
* Bernadette McAliskey looks at the politics of Northern Ireland since the Peace Process in Northern Ireland: From peace to privatisation
* John Rees , Cllr Catherine Connolly , Rory Hearne and others will discuss the The rise of the new left in Ireland and internationally
* Shane Cullen , Jessie Jones and Brian Maguire discuss Art, politics and activism
Getting to the event ...
Marxism 2007 takes place right in the centre of Dublin city, 5 minutes walk from O’Connell St and on the Luas line from Heuston Station, BusAras and Connolly Train Station.
The venue is the Amalgamated Transport and General Workers Union (ATGWU) Hall, 55-57 Middle Abbey St, Dublin 1.
We offer free accommodation for the conference for people travelling from outside Dublin. This is usually floor space in the home of a member of the SWP. If you wish to avail of this please remember to bring a sleeping bag. There are also lots of cheaper hotels near this location.
Full Programme:
6.00 – 7.30
Cinema and social change - John Boorman and others
8.00 – 9.30
Opening Rally – Full Spectrum Resistance
Haifa Zangana, John Rees, Brid Smith, Palestinian speaker
10.00– 11:15
I wanna be adored: Alienation and the cult of celebrity
Barbara Muldoon
10.00– 11:15
A rebels guide to Trotsky
Sarah O'Rourke
11:30 – 1.00
An inconvenient question: Can Capitalism stop Global Warming?
Duncan Stewart
Eamon Ryan TD
Richard Douthwaite
Owen McCormack
11:30 – 1.00
Healthcare crisis – Harney's privatisation virus
Jo Tully
Catherine Connolly
11:30 – 1.00
Iraq - Silencing the outspoken: The systematic assassination of Iraqi academics and journalists
Haifa Zangana
11:30 – 1.00
The algebra of revolution: The philosophy of Marxism
John Rees
2.00 – 3.15
Debate: Class and the Celtic Tiger: How is Ireland changing?
David McWilliams
Kieran Allen
2.00 – 3.15
Imperialism, resistance and anti-capitalism
John Rees
2.00 – 3.15
Bi-centenary of the abolition of the slave trade: Slavery and the origins of Capitalism
Luke Kasuwanga
William Cunningham
2.00 – 3.15
Fast food nation – Diabeties, obesity and the politics of food
Pat O'Sullivan
3:30 – 4.45
The rise of the new left
John Rees
Cllr Catherine Connolly
Rory Hearne
3:30 – 4.45
Northern Ireland: From peace to privatisation
Bernadette McAliskey
3:30 – 4.45
Socially engaged art practice: Latest fad or new beginning?
Shane Cullen
Jessie Jones
Brian Maguire
3:30 – 4.45
Palestine: One country Should Israel be wiped off the map?
Ali Abunimah (tbc)
5.00 – 6.00
From Chavez to Morales: The Left tide in Latin America
Mike Gonzalez
5.00 – 6.00 workshop
Buy, buy, buy: Gramsci, ideology and consumerism
Sinead Kennedy
5.00 – 6.00 workshop
Islam, racism and resistance
Gordon Hewitt
5.00 – 6.00 workshop
China: The rise of the next superpower?
Colm Stephens
5.00 – 6.00 workshop
Parliment, Democracy and Socialism
Mary Harkin
7.30 – 9.30
The US's gamble for power in Iraq
Richard Boyd Barrett
Haifa Zangana
Palestinian speaker
7.30 – 9.30
100 years of psychoanalysis and we're still worse off!
Dr Peadar O'Grady
7.30 – 9.30
Selling Sexism – Raunch culture and false liberation
Ailbhe Smith
7.30 – 9.30
Marx's Capital
Mark Hewitt
10.00 pm – 12.00 Conference Club / poetry evening
10.30 – 11.30
Cuba after Castro – Can it survive?
Mike Gonzalez
10.30 – 11.30
A guide to neo-liberal economics
Brian Boyle
11:45 – 1:00
Discrimination Nation: Displacement, border controls and racism in Ireland
Donal Mac Fhearraigh
Kamila Okuniewska
Blazej Nowak
11:45 – 1:00
The wind that shakes the barley: Revolution in Ireland 1917-23
Conor Kostick
11:45 – 1:00
Rosa Luxemburg: A revolutionary life
Aoife Ferry
11:45 – 1:00 workshop
Life after Capitalism – How will it work?
Helena MacNeill
2.00 – 3.15
With a little help from my friends – Corruption and the Irish ruling class
Frank Connolly
Maura Harrington
2.00 – 3.15
From radicals to rulers: A history of Irish republicanism
Sean Mitchell
2.00 – 3.15
From the family to the workplace: The politics of womens liberation
Marnie Holborrow
2.00 – 3.15
90 th Anniversary of the Russian Revolution: Why we should still celebrate October 1917
Dave Gaughran
3.30 – 4.45
The end of Social Partnership: Is it time for radical unionism?
Dara O'Connor
Joanne Delaney
Jo Tully
Kieran Allen
3.30 – 4.45
ASBOs to PSNI: Can the police ever work for the community?
Brid Smith
3.30 – 4.45
Dawkins, genetics, evolution and socialism
Tom Williams
3.30 – 4.45
Politics, art and revolution
Mike Gonzalez
4:45 – 5:15
Closing Rally
Sean Mitchell and Richard Boyd Barrett
* John Boorman – Director of A The Tiger's Tail
* David McWilliams – Broadcaster and author of The Popes Children
* Duncan Stewart – Environmentalist, presenter of Eco-Eye on RTE
* Frank Connolly – Journalist with the Village Magazine , author of The Centre for Public Enquiry report on Shell and Rossport
* Bernadette McAliskey – Author, journalist and leader of the 1960's Civil Rights Movement
* Eamon Ryan TD – Green Party
* Richard Boyd Barrett – Chair of the Irish Anti War Movement
* Haifa Zangana – speaker from the Iraqi opposition, member of Iraqi Democrats against Occupation
* Ali Abunimah – Editor of Electronic Intifada and author of Palestine: One Country (tbc)
* Maura Harrington – spokesperson for the Shell to Sea Campaign
* Cllr Catherine Connolly – Independent councillor for Galway City
* Kieran Allen – Author of The Celtic Tiger and the myth of Social Partnership , lecturer in UCD Sociology Department
* Kamila Okuniewska – Editor of Polska Gazeta
* Blazej Nowak - Emigrant Advice Centre
* Jo Tully – member of the Irish Nurses Organisation executive (personal capacity).
* John Rees – National Secretary of RESPECT Britain, Vice President of the Cairo International Peace Conference , author of Imperialism and Resistance and The algebra of revolution
* Conor Kostick – Novelist and author of Revolution in Ireland 1917-23
* Ailbhe Smith – Radical Feminist, lecturer in Equality studies UCD
* Brian Maguire – Professor of Fine Art NCAD
* Richard Douthwaite – Environmentalist and member of FEASTA , editor of FEASTA report Reaping the wind: Renewable energy in Ireland and author of Short Circuit , The Growth Illusion
* Owen McCormack – Editor of The Busworker
* Mike Gonzalez – Lecturer in Latin America studies, Glasgow University, author of Che Guevara and the Cuban Revolution
* Shane Cullen – artist
* Jessie Jones - artist
* Joanne Delaney – Member of Mandate Trade Union who led a victorious campaign after Dunnes Stores management tried to sack her for wearing her union badge.
* Dara O'Connor – SIPTU organiser
* Sinead Kennedy – Lecturer in English
* Marnie Holborrow – Lecturer in DCU languages Department, author of The politics of English
* Luke Kasuwanga – Socialist from Zimbabwe
* Peadar O'Grady – Child psychiatrist and author of Why is the Irish Health Service in crisis?
* Patrick Jones - one of Britain's most influential modern emerging poets, he is the creative glue between politics, poetry & music in Wales . Some of his work includes the play “Everything Must Go”. An album of his featured poems interpreted & set to music by various members of the Manic Street Preachers , Super Furry Animals , Catatonia & others. Patrick will be joined by some of Ireland's best political poets for an evening of music and radical poetry on Saturday 10 th March.

Not going? Nothing happening? Feel alone? Voiceless? Feeling futile in the larger $cheme of things?
SUPPORT PROJECT TUPA: Transmitters Uniting the Peoples of the Americas
FREE RADIO SAVES, SAVE FREE RADIO - The World you save may be your own
I have long been a lover of all things Irish, all things from any jeweled isle in the Celtic broach. Burns being the first to steal my heart before Dylan Thomas married my Muse so many decades ago while I danced with Hugh MacDiarmond at the wedding. I planned to take my "poets tour" and visit the sites of some of my favorite poets from there when I got out of high school. I went for my passport & visa and was informed that although they could issue me a visa, I would be detained on the plane and denied entry into the country (Ireland) on the grounds that I was "colored" (coloured?) as I was "Mexican-American". "Oh, but I'm half American Indian -- I'm not an immigrant." No matter. That was on the list, too. No matter my name is Lorna Doone, mind ye. Lost Land, indeed.
But I blame the British empire in its dance with imperialism, and the corporate oligarchy.
Cheers! And, cheers to Dublin! Double cheers to Ireland and the xtra fine poets of the Celtic tongues and commons.
Here's to the weave.

(from Dublin poet, Dave Lordan's MySpace site where I've been discovering a wealth of new over-the-pond poets) (not in Dublin? Scroll past for a special message)
Marxism 2007: A festival of Resistance
Tickets: €20 normal price, €10 for students and unemployed and €5 for school students
Ticketline: (01) 872 2682
A weekend political festival organised by the Socialist Workers Party
March 9,10,11 in the ATGWU Union Hall, 55-57 Middle Abbey St, Dublin 1
A weekend of socialist politics , art and culture in the heart of Dublin. Debates on everything from Global Warming to the Left movements in Latin America to the new US offensive in the Middle East.
A chance to find out about Karl Marx's ideas from economics to alienation and how they relate to today's world, introduced by some of the best speakers on the Left today. With over 40 meetings, workshops, film screenings and discussions.
Buy your ticket online here
Highlights include:
* Director John Boorman and others discuss Cinema and social change
* David McWilliams and Kieran Allen debate Class and the Celtic Tiger: How is Ireland changing?
* Frank Connolly and Maura Harrington discuss the corruption of the Irish elite in With a little help from my friends – Corruption and the Irish ruling class
* Duncan Stewart , Eamon Ryan TD , Richard Douthwaite and Owen McCormack ask An inconvenient question: Can Capitalism stop Global Warming?
* Richard Boyd Barrett , Haifa Zangana and a speaker from Palestine ask are we seeing a re-run of Vietnam with The US's gamble for power in Iraq
* Bernadette McAliskey looks at the politics of Northern Ireland since the Peace Process in Northern Ireland: From peace to privatisation
* John Rees , Cllr Catherine Connolly , Rory Hearne and others will discuss the The rise of the new left in Ireland and internationally
* Shane Cullen , Jessie Jones and Brian Maguire discuss Art, politics and activism
Getting to the event ...
Marxism 2007 takes place right in the centre of Dublin city, 5 minutes walk from O’Connell St and on the Luas line from Heuston Station, BusAras and Connolly Train Station.
The venue is the Amalgamated Transport and General Workers Union (ATGWU) Hall, 55-57 Middle Abbey St, Dublin 1.
We offer free accommodation for the conference for people travelling from outside Dublin. This is usually floor space in the home of a member of the SWP. If you wish to avail of this please remember to bring a sleeping bag. There are also lots of cheaper hotels near this location.
Full Programme:
6.00 – 7.30
Cinema and social change - John Boorman and others
8.00 – 9.30
Opening Rally – Full Spectrum Resistance
Haifa Zangana, John Rees, Brid Smith, Palestinian speaker
10.00– 11:15
I wanna be adored: Alienation and the cult of celebrity
Barbara Muldoon
10.00– 11:15
A rebels guide to Trotsky
Sarah O'Rourke
11:30 – 1.00
An inconvenient question: Can Capitalism stop Global Warming?
Duncan Stewart
Eamon Ryan TD
Richard Douthwaite
Owen McCormack
11:30 – 1.00
Healthcare crisis – Harney's privatisation virus
Jo Tully
Catherine Connolly
11:30 – 1.00
Iraq - Silencing the outspoken: The systematic assassination of Iraqi academics and journalists
Haifa Zangana
11:30 – 1.00
The algebra of revolution: The philosophy of Marxism
John Rees
2.00 – 3.15
Debate: Class and the Celtic Tiger: How is Ireland changing?
David McWilliams
Kieran Allen
2.00 – 3.15
Imperialism, resistance and anti-capitalism
John Rees
2.00 – 3.15
Bi-centenary of the abolition of the slave trade: Slavery and the origins of Capitalism
Luke Kasuwanga
William Cunningham
2.00 – 3.15
Fast food nation – Diabeties, obesity and the politics of food
Pat O'Sullivan
3:30 – 4.45
The rise of the new left
John Rees
Cllr Catherine Connolly
Rory Hearne
3:30 – 4.45
Northern Ireland: From peace to privatisation
Bernadette McAliskey
3:30 – 4.45
Socially engaged art practice: Latest fad or new beginning?
Shane Cullen
Jessie Jones
Brian Maguire
3:30 – 4.45
Palestine: One country Should Israel be wiped off the map?
Ali Abunimah (tbc)
5.00 – 6.00
From Chavez to Morales: The Left tide in Latin America
Mike Gonzalez
5.00 – 6.00 workshop
Buy, buy, buy: Gramsci, ideology and consumerism
Sinead Kennedy
5.00 – 6.00 workshop
Islam, racism and resistance
Gordon Hewitt
5.00 – 6.00 workshop
China: The rise of the next superpower?
Colm Stephens
5.00 – 6.00 workshop
Parliment, Democracy and Socialism
Mary Harkin
7.30 – 9.30
The US's gamble for power in Iraq
Richard Boyd Barrett
Haifa Zangana
Palestinian speaker
7.30 – 9.30
100 years of psychoanalysis and we're still worse off!
Dr Peadar O'Grady
7.30 – 9.30
Selling Sexism – Raunch culture and false liberation
Ailbhe Smith
7.30 – 9.30
Marx's Capital
Mark Hewitt
10.00 pm – 12.00 Conference Club / poetry evening
10.30 – 11.30
Cuba after Castro – Can it survive?
Mike Gonzalez
10.30 – 11.30
A guide to neo-liberal economics
Brian Boyle
11:45 – 1:00
Discrimination Nation: Displacement, border controls and racism in Ireland
Donal Mac Fhearraigh
Kamila Okuniewska
Blazej Nowak
11:45 – 1:00
The wind that shakes the barley: Revolution in Ireland 1917-23
Conor Kostick
11:45 – 1:00
Rosa Luxemburg: A revolutionary life
Aoife Ferry
11:45 – 1:00 workshop
Life after Capitalism – How will it work?
Helena MacNeill
2.00 – 3.15
With a little help from my friends – Corruption and the Irish ruling class
Frank Connolly
Maura Harrington
2.00 – 3.15
From radicals to rulers: A history of Irish republicanism
Sean Mitchell
2.00 – 3.15
From the family to the workplace: The politics of womens liberation
Marnie Holborrow
2.00 – 3.15
90 th Anniversary of the Russian Revolution: Why we should still celebrate October 1917
Dave Gaughran
3.30 – 4.45
The end of Social Partnership: Is it time for radical unionism?
Dara O'Connor
Joanne Delaney
Jo Tully
Kieran Allen
3.30 – 4.45
ASBOs to PSNI: Can the police ever work for the community?
Brid Smith
3.30 – 4.45
Dawkins, genetics, evolution and socialism
Tom Williams
3.30 – 4.45
Politics, art and revolution
Mike Gonzalez
4:45 – 5:15
Closing Rally
Sean Mitchell and Richard Boyd Barrett
* John Boorman – Director of A The Tiger's Tail
* David McWilliams – Broadcaster and author of The Popes Children
* Duncan Stewart – Environmentalist, presenter of Eco-Eye on RTE
* Frank Connolly – Journalist with the Village Magazine , author of The Centre for Public Enquiry report on Shell and Rossport
* Bernadette McAliskey – Author, journalist and leader of the 1960's Civil Rights Movement
* Eamon Ryan TD – Green Party
* Richard Boyd Barrett – Chair of the Irish Anti War Movement
* Haifa Zangana – speaker from the Iraqi opposition, member of Iraqi Democrats against Occupation
* Ali Abunimah – Editor of Electronic Intifada and author of Palestine: One Country (tbc)
* Maura Harrington – spokesperson for the Shell to Sea Campaign
* Cllr Catherine Connolly – Independent councillor for Galway City
* Kieran Allen – Author of The Celtic Tiger and the myth of Social Partnership , lecturer in UCD Sociology Department
* Kamila Okuniewska – Editor of Polska Gazeta
* Blazej Nowak - Emigrant Advice Centre
* Jo Tully – member of the Irish Nurses Organisation executive (personal capacity).
* John Rees – National Secretary of RESPECT Britain, Vice President of the Cairo International Peace Conference , author of Imperialism and Resistance and The algebra of revolution
* Conor Kostick – Novelist and author of Revolution in Ireland 1917-23
* Ailbhe Smith – Radical Feminist, lecturer in Equality studies UCD
* Brian Maguire – Professor of Fine Art NCAD
* Richard Douthwaite – Environmentalist and member of FEASTA , editor of FEASTA report Reaping the wind: Renewable energy in Ireland and author of Short Circuit , The Growth Illusion
* Owen McCormack – Editor of The Busworker
* Mike Gonzalez – Lecturer in Latin America studies, Glasgow University, author of Che Guevara and the Cuban Revolution
* Shane Cullen – artist
* Jessie Jones - artist
* Joanne Delaney – Member of Mandate Trade Union who led a victorious campaign after Dunnes Stores management tried to sack her for wearing her union badge.
* Dara O'Connor – SIPTU organiser
* Sinead Kennedy – Lecturer in English
* Marnie Holborrow – Lecturer in DCU languages Department, author of The politics of English
* Luke Kasuwanga – Socialist from Zimbabwe
* Peadar O'Grady – Child psychiatrist and author of Why is the Irish Health Service in crisis?
* Patrick Jones - one of Britain's most influential modern emerging poets, he is the creative glue between politics, poetry & music in Wales . Some of his work includes the play “Everything Must Go”. An album of his featured poems interpreted & set to music by various members of the Manic Street Preachers , Super Furry Animals , Catatonia & others. Patrick will be joined by some of Ireland's best political poets for an evening of music and radical poetry on Saturday 10 th March.

Not going? Nothing happening? Feel alone? Voiceless? Feeling futile in the larger $cheme of things?
SUPPORT PROJECT TUPA: Transmitters Uniting the Peoples of the Americas
FREE RADIO SAVES, SAVE FREE RADIO - The World you save may be your own

great readings coming up! i just hosted tim hernandez at our college (he was great, of course!) and juan felipe hererra is one of my favorites. notes of a chile verde smuggler is an incredible book. ah, the fresno roots!
i hope you're doing okay after the loss you mention above, lorna.
Well done on exposing the fascist topic of the talk that SWP imposed on Ali Abunimah: "Should Israel be wiped off the map?" As we now know, Ali Abunimah objected to it, and declined the invitation. You ask me to remove the link? NO WAY I'll do it. If you publish something on the web, other bloggers have the right to link to it. I never said or hinted that you were one of the organisers of the festival, I NAMED AND SHAMED the real organisers, Dave Lordan and SWP. If you are disgusted with what they have done, as every honest human being should be, you can express your opinion directly to them.
Anatoly Kudryavitsky
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