Saturday, March 25, 2006

Friday Fry-Up - A Quick Wok Around the Blog & Calendar - Posted on Saturday


I'm here for Spring Break before taking off Thursday for Dallas, The Writers Garret "Writes of Spring" shebang featuring about 100 writers. I'll be keynoting with a reading/ performance on Friday, March 31st along with Bryce Milligan, my publisher from Wings Press which is free and open to the public at the South Side Gallery in downtown Dallas. I'll also be giving a 3-day intensive workshop for $325 in case you're in the area, and flush; participants are encouraged to bring copies of their own poems. I also hope to meet poet, Cyrus Cassells. I once selected him for the William Carlos Williams Award from the Academy of Poets for best book of poetry published that year ("Soul Make A Path Through Shouting") and I've been a fan ever since. I'll be bringing my copies of his books and hope to get them signed. He's reading at SMU on Wednesday but I won't get there in time. I will be attending the Progressive Dinner, the Writers Moveable Feast, on Thursday. I also hope to hang out with a performance poet who never ceases to amaze me, my Taller Ixchel partner in poetry, Fort Worth homegirl, Tammy Gomez, the Little Stevie Ray Vaughn of Austin's Poetry & Spoken Word scene. AJU'UUAAA!. Here's the schedule:

Join us for the Inaugural Writes of Spring Literary Festival of Books
& Authors

Friday, March 31, 2006 through Sunday, April 2, 2006, Downtown Dallas, South Side on Lamar (1409 South Lamar)
C'mon down to South Side on Lamar for a lively weekend full of fun & festivities! Writes of Spring expects over 100 authors from across Texas and beyond guaranteed to enlighten and entertain. Highlights include story telling, panel discussions, readings, workshops, author signings, exhibitors, children’s events, and entertainment—so bring the whole family!

The celebration takes place in downtown Dallas at South Side on Lamar, 1409 S. Lamar, across from the Cedars Station on the Dart Rail line. Surrounding this weekend, community partners will offer festival-affiliated events to celebrate the value of literature in North Texas.

Most events are free and open to the public, but a limited number require payment and registration--notably intensive workshops with noted authors Lorna Dee Cervantes, Will Clarke, Paul Christensen, and Mary Blye Howe. We also offer several fun events such as "A Moveable Feast" progressive dinner the night before, an Author "BARD-B-Q," and a Texas Poker Laureate Charity Invitational Tournament! Seniors, students, South Side residents, and partner members receive a 10% discount and any event or workshop requiring payment. For information on tickets or registrations, contact 214.828.1715 or

The inaugural Writes of Spring expects over 100 authors from across Texas and beyond, representing a wide variety of literature, many with new books published in the last two years (2004-2006). We will offer workshops, panel discussions, writing and reading classes, book sales, author signings, exhibitors, story telling, children’s events, food and entertainment!

The festival and book fair are free and open to the public!


UPDATE: The other four pages or such just got zapped by clicking a link while on blogger, so I'll have to figure if I can reconstruct the past 2 hours of work writing stories and copying links & text. (Here, insert you best memory of Marge Simpson's growl: "ERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR...."


Blogger 666poetry-finchnot said...

you have such an exciting life

i wish / i could come with you on
your jaunts / /

do you know anyone who wants to
baby sit 6 kids indefinitly?

hey hey lorna dee / are you
still at the address you sent
me a letter from

i have some mail for you /

i hope you are well / & having
an awesome spring


27/3/06 22:26  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lorna I found you!
do you ever make it to deep south texas? I never made it to one of your talleres.

29/3/06 07:15  
Blogger Tammy Gomez said...

oh, LornaDee:
the hope feeling is mutual. will be doing the After (h)Ours reading at the Absinthe Lounge and i fully expect to be able to do full-body prostrations at the first sight of you crossing the absinthian portal. such is my respect...hasta pronto, compa!

oh, that's Friday, mar.31st after 9pm--Absinthe.

31/3/06 00:00  

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