(in progess, will be updated as we go)
Lorna Dee Cervantes Reading Calendar 2010Saturday, Feb. 27, 10 am"Building Bridges: The 1st Annual Latino Summit"
Intensive Poetry Workshop
St. Ignatius College Preparatory School
San Francisco, CA
Tuesday, March 2, 7pmMark Allen Everett Poetry Series
Poetry Reading
David L. Boren Auditorium at the National Weather Center
Oklahoma University (NE corner of Highway 9 & Jenkins)
Norman, OK
Friday, March 5, 5-8:45 (reading at 6 pm) Cultural Encounters, First Fridays at the de Young Museum
Muralista Mujeres/ Women Muralists in The Mission and The World
Golden Gate park, San Francisco
Saturday, March 13, 11:30-1 pmSplit This Rock
Workshop: "Poesia Para la Gente/Writing to Save Lives"
(pending other readings, workshops in the area)
Washington, DC
Tuesday, March 16Speak Art to Power
Poetry Reading for Women of Juarez
(pending other readings, workshops in area)
New York City
Saturday, March 27, 1-4 pmMills College
Intensive Poetry Workhop ($25)
(to be confirmed)
Oakland, CA
Sunday, March 28, 7pmMuchas Voces Una Visión/ Many Voices One Vision
Poetry Reading ($10) at La Peña
Benefit for Relief Efforts In Haiti by Doctors Without Borders
Berkeley, CA
Friday, April 9, 7pmPoetry Reading
ConTinta Celebration
AWP: Assoc. of Writers & Writing Programs
Denver, CO
Saturday, April 17Kearny St. Intergenerational/ Interdisciplinary
Writers Lab
(time, location TBA)
San Francisco, CA
Monday, April 19Poetry Reading
NYC Poetry Fest (to be confirmed)
(pending other workshops, readings in area)
New York City/ Bronx
Saturday, April 24Kearny St. Intergenerational/ Interdisciplinary
Writers Lab
(time, location TBA)
San Francisco, CA
Sunday, May 1Poetry Reading & Workshop
Writers Conference
(time, location TBA)
Chicago, ILL
Saturday, May 29American Language Association
"Something Symbolic Going On"
Panel presentation on Elena Viramontes
(time, location TBA)
Sunday, June 20 - 26VONA poetry workshop
(price, time, location, TBA)
San Francisco, CA
Saturday, October 16Poetry Reading
(time, location TBA)
(pending other readings, workshops in area)
New York City
Saturday, October 30Poetry Reading Hike
(time, location TBA)
(pending other readings, workshops in area)
Tuscaloosa, AL
Labels: Poetry workshops, Readings, Where In the World Is Lorna?