Monday, March 05, 2012

Lorna Dee Cervantes Hosts New Open Mic w/ Jim Powell 3/7

Lorna Dee Cervantes to Host New Poetry Open Mic Series, "ALLEY CAT POETS IN THE MISSION" with Jim Powell & Special Surprise Guest, 3/7, 6-8 pm

Internationally acclaimed Mission poet, Lorna Dee Cervantes hosts new open mic series, "Alley Cat Poets In The Mission" showcasing exceptional poets & their books along with some surprise special guests! This event is the 1st Wednesday of every month. Come and join us with a poem for the seasonal theme.

The Alley Cat Poets In The Mission Series begins Wednesday, March 7, 6-8PM, featuring Lorna Dee Cervantes, MacArthur Grant awardee Jim Powell, Special Surprise Guest and maybe YOU/TÚ speaking poems of LA HISTORIA at Alley Cat Books, 3036 24th St. near Balmy Alley, San Francisco. FREE. Hat passed for poets.

Scheduled readers to be announced and could include (*confirmed):

W, 3/7 - LA HISTORIA: Lorna Dee Cervantes *, Jim Powell *

W, 4/4 - LA MUJER: Cherríe Moraga * & Sharon Doubiago *

W, 5/2 - EL FLORICANTO (For Alfred Arteaga): Norma Cole & Javier Huerta *

W, 6/6 - LA PRIMAVERA: Adrian Arías & Miguel Robles *

W, 7/ 4 - LA INDEPENDENCIA: Diana Di Prima & Jack Hirschman (date TBA)

W, 8/1 - EL SOL: Francisco Alárcon * & Lucha Corpi *

W, 9/5 - EL TRABAJO: Robert Hass & Al Young *

W, 10/3 - LA COSECHA: Devorah Major * & Mamacoatl *

W, 11/7 - LA MUERTE (Victor Martinez, John Ross & Luis Cervantes ¡presente!): Genny Lim & C. S. Giscombe

W, 12/5 - EL FÍN: JuanFelipe Herrera & Leticia Hernández *

W, 1/2 - El NUEVO COMIENZO: Naomi Quiñonez * & Alejandro Murguía

Open Mic every 1st Wednesday, 6-8 with Lorna Dee Cervantes and featured poets.

Alley Cat Books
3036 24th St
San Francisco, CA 94110

Alley Cat Books offers rare, remaindered & used books along with one-of-a-kind recycled hardbound journals. They also carry unique gifts such as t-shirts, clothing and artwork by silkscreen artist Michael Roman whose work was recently featured on "Two Broke Girls" and various other TV shows. If you can't find it at Alley Cat, visit their other great bookstores—Dog-Eared Books (zines!!), Red Hill Books, and Phoenix Books. Make it a good walk day. Buy books and visit murals, then sit down, listen to great poetry, and be heard.


CONTACT: (415) 824-1021


Lorna Dee Cervantes is a recipient of the Lila Wallace/Readers Digest Writers Award, 2 NEA Fellowship Grants, 2 Pushcart Prizes (another nominated this year) & "Best Book" awards for EMPLUMADA, FROM THE CABLES OF GENOCIDE: POEMS ON LOVE AND HUNGER, DRIVE: THE FIRST QUARTET, CIENTO: 100 100-WORD LOVE POEMS, STUNNED INTO BEING: Essays On The Poetry of Lorna Dee Cervantes, and the forthcoming SUEÑO: 30-SOMETHING OF THE CRUELEST.

A California native (Chicana-Chumash) born in The Mission, Lorna Dee Cervantes was the former Director of Creative Writing at CU-Boulder where she was a Professor of English for 19 years. This year's UC Regents Lecturer at Berkeley, she is home again writing fiction, essays, poetry & screenplays. Visit her on her blog:

Jim Powell is a MacArthur Fellow, the 2005 Sherry Poet at the University of Chicago, the author of IT WAS FEVER THAT MADE THE WORLD (University of Chicago Press, 1989) and SUBSTRATE (Pantheon, 2009), and the translator of THE POETRY OF SAPPHO (Oxford, 2006) and CATULLAN REVENANTS (Booklyn, 2001), a Berkeley native & lifelong inhabitant of the SF Bay region.

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