Friday, May 20, 2005

from "Son: Book I" (a decom-poem-sition of "Paterson")

Thanks to Peter in his
  • Virtual World
  • for this
  • one
  • for my son, age 10, and thinking of our long floating appointment to have "The Talk". (P: Had to do Paterson, my Prufrock) (p.s. can't con-figure the spacing in html, so stuck with underlining) "Work is the refuge of sadness." ~LDC, from "Coffee"


    .................The province of the world
    .................rises. The poem, when it comes down, dark.
    .............................~a poetic deconstruction from a fragment of Paterson, William Carlos Williams

    rigor, beauty, quest.
    "But how will you find beauty?"
    When to make a start
    out of rolling up the sum?
    Defective dog among a lot
    of dogs, rabbits, the lame
    deceive assuredly—since we
    know beyond our own. Yet,
    rolling chaos, nine month wonder,
    the city can't be otherwise. Rolling
    drunk. Sober ignorance. A certain knowledge
    and knowledge undoing. (The seed
    packed sour, lost, off in the same

    Rolling, rolling, heavy with
    the ignorant sun, the slot of never
    in this world save dying—dying,
    yet that is the addition—walking,
    subverted by writing. Stale...
    Like beds made up, unable.
    ...........................Rolling, top
    thrust and recoil, a great
    wash of seas—
    from divided to regathered
    into a river: son.


    Lies in the spent waters,
    lies in the thunder of dreams!
    Asleep, dreams walk the city,
    persist. Incognito butterflies
    settle on stone; immortal and seldom
    the subtleties of his machinations,
    the noise of river automatons who
    because they know the sill of their
    disappointments walk, bodies locked
    in desires—Say it, no
    things—nothing but the blank trees,
    forked preconception, accident—stained
    into body.

    From higher than the oozy abandoned
    beds, dead withered mud thick with dead—
    the river comes. The city crashes—the edge
    of recoil. And rainbow
    language unravels, combed into a rock's
    man, a woman like love. Innumerable.
    only one city.

    ------more woman than poet-----------------------
    ------an investigation........bolted forever--------
    ------hope.......public like

    The waters—the brink, thought—
    cut aside but forever strain,
    strike marked by a seeming to forget
    later replaced—they coalesce now
    quiet or at the close conclusion,
    and fall, fall, split apart, drunk
    with the catastrophe of the unsupported:
    a thunder struck all lightness.

    Lost; regained in the fury, driving
    to rebound, coming—keeping
    to the stream of connotative 'equal'—
    coeval void.

    And there, her head carved by the quiet:
    Colored; the secret temperate him,
    his Valley of the Rocks, asleep.

    c 2005 by Lorna Dee Cervantes

    (from a "Deconstruction" Exercise taking the opening pages of Paterson, a book length poem by William Carlos Williams, and selecting words in order of their appearance, making a 'new' poem)


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