Friday, April 04, 2008

Where In The World Is Lorna? Spring Readings Calendar

April 4, I'll be reading/performing today at San Francisco State University in Humanities Bldg room 587 at 3:00 pm for the conference, Murder in the Margins: Global Systems of Exploitation
April 8, I'll be reading/performing at Yuba City Community College.
Wednesday, April 9th I'll be performing with Q.R. Hand at City College of San Francisco, Phelan & Ocean, in Conlon Hall, 101, 7-9 pm. Free. Open Mic!
April 15, I'll be reading/performing at DeKalb University, Ill.
April 16th I'll be performing with Rigoberto Gonzalez at The Guild Complex for the Pura Palabra Series sponsored by Poets and Writers in Chicago, Ill.
Time: Doors open at 6:00 PM, Reading begins at 7:00 PM
Cost: Free admission.
Location: Center on Halsted, Chicago's LGBT Community Center, 3656 N. Halsted, Chicago
May 3, I'll be reading/performing at The Cafe Boheme on 24th and Mission (my father's special hang-out) at 6:30 for May Day with Alfonso Texidor and others.
May 6, I'll be performing at Gavilan College in Gilroy.
May 15, I'll be performing in Fresno, CA.
May 21, I'll be reading/performing at Stanford University.
May 22, I'll be reading for the American Literature Association Conference in San Francisco. Followed by a panel on my work, featuring a new book of criticism on Lorna Dee Cervantes published by Wings Press.
??? Your venue or event? Book me now! Have Poems. Will Travel.

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Blogger Billy Clem said...

Dear Lorna Dee Cervantes,

I am a long time reader/teacher/lover of your work, and I see on your blog that you might be reading in DeKalb, IL this coming week, 15 April? Can it be? This is very exciting for me and my friends who love your work. I do know that you're reading in Chicago at Center on Halsted on 16 April, which would be a bit of a drive but worth it certainly! Can you tell me if you'll be in DeKalb, or will you be only in Chicago while out here? THANKS and take care,
Billy Clem

9/4/08 07:24  

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