Free Radio Stephen Dunifer Speaking At Anarchist Bookfair On Radio and Oaxaca

Stephen Dunifer spoke on 3-17-07 at the 12th annual Anarchist Bookfair in San Francisco.
Stephen Dunifer is the founder of Free Radio Berkeley in Berkeley, California. Free Radio Berkeley, an unlicensed micropower pirate radio station, was involved in a protracted legal case with the Federal Communications Commission in the mid-1990s They were eventually acquitted of all charges, marking a major victory for micropower radio. FRB eventually stopped broadcasting and turned all their resources to developing new micropower technology and training activists in the use of pirate radio. They were replaced on the dial by Berkeley Liberation Radio, which has also been a target of the federal government. Stephen Dunifer is also author of several books on the micropower movement. He was coeditor along with Ron Sakolsky of Seizing the Airwaves. Stephen Dunifer offers a variety of radio broadcast kits and accessories for sale through his Freedradio website.
In this talk he discusses "Autonomy and Radio in Oaxaca", an overview of the importance and role of radio broadcasting in the struggle for autonomy in Oaxaca, Mexico. He also spoke about TUPA (Transmitters Uniting the People's of the Americas), which was created by Free Radio Berkeley and exists to empower indigenous, campesino, and barrio communities in the Americas with the tools, technology, knowledge and skills to build and maintain their own community broadcast stations.
Listen here: audio: anarchistfair07stephendunifer.mp3
MP3 at 17.7 MB
video of violent repression of teachers in Oaxaca
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