Premier Debut of DRIVE: The First Quartet - Pre-Publication Special Holiday Offer For All Lorna Dee Ce's Blog Buddies!
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DRIVE: The First Quartet debuts Oct. 14th with a reading at the
in Washington, DC (May I meet you there?) Members of DC Poets Against the War will receive $3 off $10 admission price. Advance copies of Lorna Dee Cervantes's new 5-book pentych of poetry will be available for sale after the reading. Or, see me in Austin, Oct. 17 or at Trinity University in San Antonio on Oct. 18 for your own signed copy.
This book will not be available in bookstores or through distributors until January 1, 2006. (Teachers may order advance desk copies and advance textbook orders directly from the publisher at
But, you, my friend, may receive your own personalized autographed copy and FREE shipping & handling for a mere $25 -- right now! Just in time for the holidays! Just by being a Blog Buddy you can pay now using the Amazon Honor pay system button below or via PayPal to my account at LornaDeeCervantes AT mac DOT com or send a check for $25 to:
Professor Lorna Dee Cervantes
UCB 226
English Department
University of Colorado
Boulder, CO 80309-0226
and, if you're using my Amazon Honor account or PayPal please send a separate email with amount & date of deposit, order, shipping and other info. to the email listed above. Your copies will arrive in time for holiday gift shipping, or, you may send alternate address to have your autographed gift shipped to the recipient directly. Act now and you may even get a Happy Holidays Card from yours truly this Kwaansa!

DRIVE: The First Quartet debuts Oct. 14th with a reading at the
in Washington, DC (May I meet you there?) Members of DC Poets Against the War will receive $3 off $10 admission price. Advance copies of Lorna Dee Cervantes's new 5-book pentych of poetry will be available for sale after the reading. Or, see me in Austin, Oct. 17 or at Trinity University in San Antonio on Oct. 18 for your own signed copy.
This book will not be available in bookstores or through distributors until January 1, 2006. (Teachers may order advance desk copies and advance textbook orders directly from the publisher at
But, you, my friend, may receive your own personalized autographed copy and FREE shipping & handling for a mere $25 -- right now! Just in time for the holidays! Just by being a Blog Buddy you can pay now using the Amazon Honor pay system button below or via PayPal to my account at LornaDeeCervantes AT mac DOT com or send a check for $25 to:
Professor Lorna Dee Cervantes
UCB 226
English Department
University of Colorado
Boulder, CO 80309-0226
and, if you're using my Amazon Honor account or PayPal please send a separate email with amount & date of deposit, order, shipping and other info. to the email listed above. Your copies will arrive in time for holiday gift shipping, or, you may send alternate address to have your autographed gift shipped to the recipient directly. Act now and you may even get a Happy Holidays Card from yours truly this Kwaansa!
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Please excuse my ignorance, but what is a five 5-book pentych?
Are these 5 chapbooks in one? Is it a hardback? If so, that's an excellent price. Most chapbooks I've seen marketed by poets themselves sell for $5 or $6 dollars.
Congratulations! I wish you the best of success.
Hi Ginger, thanks for stopping by the "house" - Do you know I can't put comments on your blog? In particular, I wanted to defend Ron's honor, "Lon Silliman" is a separate person "with identity issues" as Ron so delicately put it once on the comments of his blog. Ron's the po'man, speaking strictly in terms of his own poetry, and in temrs of the blog, Silliman's no silly man. Also, big thanks for writing about Emily's "award" & supporting single moms (LDC: single mom, 1994-2004, then people wonder, "Where's the book?") And, for posting "Suspension", your winning poem for the Cafe Cafe Red Cross fundraiser. I love it. Ha! For no wonder? I judged it!
No ignorance, my mistake, no one would know this! I guess I invented the "literary pentych of poetry", it's the result of a lifelong interaction with Eliot's THE FOUR QUARTETS - each 64-page book begins with a quote from one of the "quartets" - and now I know why I "invented" it, any poet presently attempting to step out of publishing for 15 years would have to have academic affiliations and I'm the only one in academia still Buddhist enough to take the subsequent salary cuts. Or, sumpthin. It's some kinda zen. Or, like the opening editorial to my lit-mag MANGO read, something to the effect of how you can't rush the mango tree, and some things ripen in their time.
I'm influenced by artists & painters in particular, H. Bosch and my cover artists, Irving Norman & Dylan Morgan. Bosch & Norman both painted triptychs: 3 separate paintings which when hung together created another, different, composition. The book, DRIVE, is like a permanent gallery hanging of the canvasses.
And cheap! Yes, Ginger, thank you for noticing. I gave the books to Bryce Milligan at Wings Press, not only because he is a fine poet in his own right, rather than Norton, for one, because he was familiar with my own press, MANGO Publications which was known for its hands-on craft and *affordable* literary excellence. (I am a printer. I used to print the mag & books in my kitchen - I was the original "Kitchen Table Press", the inspiration for the name of that successful press in NY.) Bryce is, as I type, inserting fine colored papers inbetween the 5 books -- that's 5 x 2,500 hand-touched books. He knows it is important to me to produce a finely crafted book at an affordable price. For example, BAD BOYS, Sandra Cisnero's first book, a 24-page chapbook which was edited & produced within 2 weeks (instant fine poetry!) and stamped with the seal of approval from "editor", Gary Soto, sold for a mere $1 in 1979 - now the book is worth more than Eliot's original hardbound edition of The Four Quartets (which I have) at $2,686, or thereabouts. Also, I was able to have complete design control and veto power - nearly unheard of in any other poetry publishing venture which isn't self-publishing.
The 320-page elegant hardbound edition for $25 dollars from me, $24.95 at the stores, is designed to be a steal. At 2,500 copies, a quarter of those presold already, the book is designed to be a collector's item. The artbook edition of the five books individually bound and set in a handmade hardwood box sure to include surprise extra goodies will appear in April, and can be advance ordered now from Wings. And after, the books will appear as individual paperbacks -- the exact reverse of my original intent, but that's where Bryce's considerable expertise & savey comes in.
The books were written to be different in literary strategy but read simultaneously, if not sequentially. Hard to do in present publishing; It took me 25 years to do it - the "first quartet" of my adult life.
And, I realize I'll be in Washington tomorrow, and my counter that I installed on Cinco de Mayo may roll over to 10,000 while I'm gone. ("Who ARE thse people?" ~ LDC to T) And I'd like to thank y'all.
Y'all come back, hear? (Gawd, my son hates it when I talk like that: "But Baby! That's the way I talk!")
Sorry for going on & on - I'm listening to The Essential Billy Bragg & he always revs me up. Just now singing: "Just because you think/ you're better than me/ Doesn't mean I'm lazy."
"B boat tug" reads word verification - Am I the only one this thing talks to??
And I didn't know that about your background re Kitchen Table Press!!! Wow!
Anyway, I can't wait for my copy ....and also to say;
for your snailmailed handwritten muse-ic letter...WITH STICKERS!!!!
It made my week!
And I also LOVE the poetics underpinning to DRIVE -- it all sounds deeeeeep-ly fun!
And I didn't know that about your background re Kitchen Table Press!!! Wow!
Anyway, I can't wait for my copy ....and also to say;
for your snailmailed handwritten muse-ic letter...WITH STICKERS!!!!
It made my week!
And I also LOVE the poetics underpinning to DRIVE -- it all sounds deeeeeep-ly fun!
I probably won't be able to attend your reading. Sad, sad, sad! I have a terrible chest cold or cold in my chest. How frustrating! I just recover from birthing and then get this.. Argh, this must mean someone thinks I need a lesson in patience.
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